
Block any Website without Software

Now block any Website without any software. Well many of you wants you wants to block any webiste from your computer either for children saftey or for pesky porn website that's bothering you. Today I am going to share a very simple and easy method to Block any website without Software. It's a Simple Trick to block access to any Websites by editing hosts file in your windows system 32 folder. Just follow the instructions below to Block any Website.
Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc Find the file named
hosts Open it in notepad Under local host Add www.site- name-you-want-to- block.com, and that site will no longer be accessable. Done..!

So Here is an example local host www.blockedsite.com -->

www.blockedsite.com is now unaccessable <--

For every site after that you want to add, just add "1" to the last Number in theinternal ip ( and then the add like before. For example: www.your- site-name.com www. your-site- name.com www. your-site- name.com etc…etc..
If you have any doubt in this Trick then Please feel free to ask in the comment section below. Enjoy..!!

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