
Inserting HTML codes for video

A video file can be inserted in a html page in two ways. The first way would be using the <embed/> tag. This tag does not need an ending/finishing tag. It works, mostly, the same as a tag for an photo works
<embed src="example.mpeg" autostart="false" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=144/>
Also, you can insert a video file using a link
<a href="example.mpeg">Movie Name </a>
Movie Name
Supported extensions for the embed tag
These are:
.swf: made by Macromedia Flash
.wmv: Microsoft Windows Media Video
.mov: Quick Time Movie, belongs to Apple
.mpeg: Created by Moving Pictures Expert Group.
The most used are .mpeg and .swf because of the compact format.
Attributes of the embed tag
auto establishes
Whether the file will run automatically after the page is loaded. Can have the true or false value
hidden establishes
Whether the buttons are hidden or not. Can have the true or false value. volume- can have any value from 0 to 100
loop establishes
Whether the file will be replayed after it is finished. Can have the true or false value. playcount
This establishes how many times the file will be replayed. For example playcount="2" means it will be replayed two times and after it will stop.
Inserting a You Tube video
You can do that very easy, because You Tube has on every page the needed HTML code.
<! -- Here will start the You Tube code -->
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" http://www.youtube.com/ v/UAq8=en&fs=1"> </param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> >/param> <embed src=" http://www.youtube.com/ v/UAq8q=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
<! -- Here will end the You Tube code -->
Truth is that everything you see is quite chaotic, but the good part is that you only have to copy it from the You Tube, and paste it, and you will have your video.