
How to host a website from your own computer?

In the following article I am going to show u how to host a web site from your own computer. Why would you want to do this you might ask? Well for one, it’s free. It’s also great for hosting small web sites or sharing large files with friends. However, if you are planning on running a site with high traffic I would not recommend this. Just follow these simple steps and you will have your own web server up and running in no time. Step 1: Go to "http://get/hfs.html" nd download HFS (Http File Server). Step 2: Double-click the "hfs.exe" file that u downloaded. If u have Windows Firewall enabled u will be prompted with a security warning. Click “Unblock” to allow HFS to pass through the firewall. Step 3: The default port that HFS uses is port 80. If your ISP blocks port 80 then you will need to change it to something else. To change it you must turn HFS off. You can do so by clicking the “On” button in the upper left corner. When you are done, turn it back on. If u are behind a router or firewall then u will have to set up port forwarding. If you need help with this go to "http://www.portforward.com". Here u can choose the type of router u have n then choose the program u want to set up port forwarding for such as HTTP File Server-HFS. It will walk u through the exact steps to set up forwarding. Step 4: Now you can test ur settings to see if they work. Go to the menu nd click “Self Test”. If it is successful then your settings are correct. You should now be able to point your web browser to your IP address to see files or pages you are sharing. Step 5: Now I’m going to tell u how to assign a domain name for your web site. Since you don’t have a DNS server running on your computer, you will need to get DNS service from somewhere else or Go to "https://www.dyndns.com /account/entrance/" to create a Dyn DNS account. Login with the account u have created nd click on the services button. If u have a dynamic IP address that changes, click on “Dynamic DNS” and then “Add Dynamic DNS”. Choose a subdomain nd domain name. Then add the host. Now u have a domain name that u can use and give out instead of your IP address. If u would like to use your own domain name, DynDNS offers a custom DNS service for this as well for a yearly fee. Step 6: Now go to "https://www.dyndns.com /support/clients/" to download the DynDNS Updater. This is to automatically update your Dynamic DNS account in case your external IP address ever changes. Now you can host a web site from your computer. If u want to change the default page that comes up when you browse to ur site, right click on the little icon that looks like a house in the Virtual File System. Click “Default file mask” and type the name of the file that u want to be served when someone browses to ur website such as "index.html". If u would like HFS to start automatically when you log into Windows, put a shortcut to it under Start >Programs >Startup. Also be sure to save your Virtual File System settings so HFS will remember the files u are hosting next time u open it up. If u have any more questions check out "http://deadlyuniversity.blogspot.com" Disclaimer: The Blog auther is not responsible for any demage/harm done by web hosting from ur computer directly or indirectly.

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